Environmental Ethics in Relation to Pro-Environmental Behaviour among Higher Secondary School Students By Prasanthi P K and ,


Social policies attempting to preserve the environment and combat environmental degradation have a moral basis for Environmental Ethics. Pro-environmental Behaviour is a person’s protective way of environmental behaviour or a tribute to a healthy environment Environmental Ethics and Pro-environmental Behaviour are basic for a human being to live in harmony with the environment and are indispensable for safe future life. Studies on Environmental Ethics and Pro-environmental Behaviour deliver information that can help reduce the harmful environmental impact of human activities. The present study set out to determine whether there were any notable differences in the levels of Environmental Ethics and Pro-environmental Behaviour among Higher Secondary School Student’s, as well as how these two categories related to one another. The current study used the Normative Survey method, and 80 Higher Secondary School Students from Kerala, districts of Palakkad served as the sample. The tools used for the study were the Environmental Ethics Scale and the Pro-environmental Behaviour Scale. The investigators came to the conclusion that there is a notable variation in the level of the mean scores of Environmental Ethics and Pro-environmental Behaviour among the students of Higher Secondary School based on their data. As a result, it can be understood that there is a vast scope for providing orientation and training programs to Higher Secondary School Students for the development of the concept of Environmental Ethics and Pro-environmental Behaviour to a greater extent.

Keywords: environmental ethics, pro-environmental behaviour

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