This paper tries to examine how art derives its energies from the life experience itself, and art in turn gives to one’s life sense of purpose and design in the light of Willa Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl. Art serves to enhance and enrich human life, but it requires that the artist sacrifice much in his own personal life to achieve its highest ends. Cather was aware of the deep split between the claims of art and life. While studying her work of art we observe that the values which Cather has idealized are pioneer values. She has cherished spiritual and moral strength in her characters.
Keywords: Art, Values, Discord, Creation, Life.
[1] Ph.D. Research Scholar in English (Part-Time Category – B), Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
[2] Professor and Head, Department of English, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu.