
When we talk about empowerment of women then we think only dependent women mean empowered women. If a woman is economically free and she does a good job then we consider her as empowered woman but these not the criteria of empowerment which we keep in our mind about women. If few women are doing job and they are economically free but still they have to suffer many problems in their life because empowerment is different thing about what we think. We take the meaning of women empowerment wrong in technical matters because they are also human being, rational and intelligent and have their own thought. Though they become economical free but they are made to live without any dignity because of various kinds of crimes happened against them which prove that the mindset of our society is still against the girl child. We are not ready to give them mentally support and courage so they can also live in the society with full of freedom. Thousands of married violence is taken place in the society. The abuses take place in different form like physical, economic, emotional and mental also which cannot be justified in our society. We generally see that women have to suffer lots for the sake of society and customs and they bear lots of physical and mental stress and also emotional stress. Sometimes they have to suffer all these because they have to depend financially on their partner and they have no choice to leave that. In additional they have many responsibilities in that child care, household works and many others.

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